E-bike  are generally accepted to be any standard, pedal-powered two- or three-wheel vehicle that has an electric motor which can be used to assist the rider’s pedaling efforts

What are Ebikes like to ride?
Pedal-assist power overcomes the sluggishness that a heavier bike might have, but a fast-moving weighty mass also requires an attentive brake hand. E-bikes come with robust brake systems to help, but you still have to be on top of your riding game. Ride with a faster cadence.
How does e cycling work?
Pedal-Assist (sometimes called Electric-Assist)
Once you turn on this mode via the on/off button on the handlebars, the motor will gently provide electric power as you pedal. You can still switch gears as the terrain changes to take advantage of more torque or faster speed.
Are e-bikes hard to pedal?
That depends on the bicycle in question. Some e-assist bikes are very heavy, and pedaling them without assist can be difficult and tiring. Others are as much as 40 or 50 pounds lighter, and are relatively easy to pedal without assist
How fast does an e-bike go?
between 15.5 mph and 28 mph
If you’re still looking for a quick answer to the question “how quick can an e-bike go?” the answer is between 15.5 mph and 28 mph, legally, depending on where you live, but your legs can get you to whatever top speed you could

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